Here's a musty, crusty old thread that may be of some interest. As one of the contributors to it alluded, it had been a fairly hot topic in the past. The overall takeaway being, that if there was a practical way of achieving a successful outcome along these lines, the pathway towards doing so would have been blazed long ago. That dog purdy much jes don't wanna hunt.
I am in the process of attempting to rebuild a friend's 4l60 out of his cheby peekup and I got access to a Mitchell service and repair manual for domestic cars, light trucks and vans for the early '90s. Out of curiosity I went back the the Chrysler section, as I have rebuilt the 727 in our...
Although the chopping, swapping and welding of different aluminum bolt patterns to different cases could might work if one had the skills and the means to do it properly.