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  • My name is John Barto and my wife's is Barbara. It was about 7 years ago that my wife and I stumbled across you and your wife hanging out on your driveway with your Scouts. You were gracious enough to Show us around your babies. I finally have time to really focus on my rebuild. I need a left rear quarter panel! Do know someone who has one lying around?
    Been looking into jobs that fit my skill set in your area, (marine, transmission shop) wow. I make way, way more here. I don't get it. I could not make it pay wise there With what little I make here. I would have to rent a fema trailer just to have a roof over my head.
    There is a company from Conroe, Tx. building a dome over a water storage tank at my water plant. Can't remember the name though. I know they had a trailer stolen from there last week....that sucked!
    Is it Conservatek? I know the company, out by the lake. Sucks about the trailer, I agree. With the new registration for trailers being enforced, they'll have a hard time registering it in TX. But you are justa stone's throw from Louisianna,..
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