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Friends of BinderPlanet Facebook Group
Patrick Morris
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  • Hey Patrick,

    I have a 77 Scout ii that is missing the vehicle speed sensor, the 2210 carburetor, and modulator attached to the carburetor. I live in California and think I need these things for smog. There are some vendors that list vehicle speed sensor, but I don't know if it is the correct part. Do you have pictures of these parts that I can use to compare the parts that are for sale?

    Thanks in advance,

    Hey Patrick!
    I’d appreciate if you checked out my “Sprung weight advice “ thread. I think I got things where they need to be. I also appreciate your knowledge!
    BTW, this is a weird way to communicate. Never knew it existed. Best to click the Inbox thing at the top and start a "Conversation" there.
    Thanks for the help. Called early wheel, theres a new owner and couldnt help very much. Since I have a 3.75 spacing now, what should i be looking for to get the wheel out and away from the leafs?
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Friends of BinderPlanet Facebook Group
Friends of BinderPlanet Facebook Group