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Binder TV
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  • Have you sold those axles yet? I may be interested just don't know when i can get down there to get them. Ive been looking for a set to put under my travellete.
    Hi, Thanks for the bumper compliment and I would love to make some more. However, a couple problems exist. I have made a few and they are truely "custom" to each truck so I fit them very well. I would need the truck or something exactly like it since each truck actually fits different, and over the years many IH's have been butchered in some way and things don't fit exactly as planned. Also, the silver trucks bumpers were old used towing bumpers from tow trucks that I completly cut up and redone. New ones are expensive to start with! Also, time - since I have three young kids, my last bumper I am doing right now has taken two months and still isn't finished yet. We may be able to work thru these hurdles thuogh. Please call my cell at 330-212-8248 so we can talk! Thanks much, Joe Ansley
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Binder TV
Binder TV