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Friends of BinderPlanet Facebook Group
Dennis Bernth
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  • Hello Dennis, I saw your post regarding the sd33t cyl head. If you still have it I'm interested. I am in Montgomery, AL and will not be attending IH Nationals so it would have to be shipped. i have been a member for some time but have never posted, so I'm not even sure where to look for your response to this message. You can call me at 334-430-6284 if you like.
    hey dennis, i was told by darren to get ahold of you for a scout 2. i herd you might be selling one. i have a 77 scout 2 traveler. which is in somewhat a restored state. it does drive and reverse. its just small stuff that need to be done. anyways i was wondering if you might be into a trade and some cash. anyways let me know.

    Which group the Great Lakes Group? No joining necessary, just post up with your info so people can see who you are is all....yeah I'm the mod, but it's not a big deal, not like being a mod for the whole BP!
    Dennis, I'd like to join this group but it looks like the mod is now you? Let me know.
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Friends of BinderPlanet Facebook Group
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